01322 381565
Martin Heard
Independent Art Historian
Accredited NADFAS lecturer
Email: info@arthistorylecturer.co.uk
Tel: 01322 381565

Lectures, talks, short courses and study days given on art and architecture, cultural and garden history

Available also as a lecturer to schools and other educational institutions, and to cruise ship lines.

About myself

I originally studied History of Art at Manchester University and afterwards spent three years in the editorial department of a fine art publishing company. My career later took a decades' long detour into the world of information technology where I was able to work and live in both continental Europe and North America.

I am now ‘retired' from this field of endeavour and for the past ten years have devoted my time to researching Art Historical periods and subjects that have garnered my interest over the years. Travelling, whenever I can, I focus on visiting art galleries and places of historical interest the experiences of which, I hope, have increased my knowledge and perception of the subjects in which I specialise.

Never taking myself too seriously, I present lectures and talks in an informal but informative way. My aim is to communicate my enthusiasm for art history and share it with every type of audience.

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